The past few months have brought back the abortion debate back to the table. It has been highly debated after the Alabama Abortion Regulation Law was passed in May. The two sides of the law include the “pro-life” and “pro-choice” activists. While pro-life supporters believe the few weeks old foetuses have legal rights, the pro-choice supporters strongly believe that a women has all the rights to control the life inside her body.
Abortions have always been stigmatized around the world. Due to which many people still believe abortions are illegal and that they have major health risks. However, abortions during the beginning of pregnancy are extremely safe and are legal procedures.
In India, Abortions are legal up to 20 weeks under five different causes. These clauses are
1. Life-Threatening Risk to the Woman
2. A child with critical physical or mental deformities
3. Rape
4. Failure of Contraception
5. Negatively Impacts the woman's physical or Mental Health
To get a deeper medical picture of the debate, I decided to talk with Dr. Usha Menon, a reputed gynaecologist and obstetrician from Kasaragod Institute of Medical Sciences. She was delighted to help me out.
“Today India’s abortion laws are extremely liberal and even allows women to have abortions without consent from their partners. Abortions below 20 weeks of pregnancy are today very safe procedures when conducted under proper guidance and expertise.”- Dr. Usha Menon
The Indian Abortion Laws allow abortions within 12 weeks of pregnancy with the consent of 1 medical practitioner and require the consent of two medical practitioners, if the woman is anywhere between 12 and 20 weeks pregnant. For cases where the woman is over 20 weeks pregnant, the woman will have to get a favourable ruling from the court. In these cases, a medical board will have to certify that the abortion is safe and necessary.
“Many other countries allow abortions even after 20 weeks legally. However, the risks involved in such cases will increase drastically. However, India should amend it’s abortion laws for pregnancies beyond 20weeks in cases were Lethal Congenital Anomaly of foetus is detected ”, says Dr.Usha.
When I asked Dr. Usha Menon about her stance on the Abortion debate she was of the opinion that Child birth shouldn’t be something forced on anybody. It should be something the parent should be happy and delighted to be doing.
I completely agree with her stance that raising a child in a life filled with hatred is a bigger sin than not giving birth in the first place. When children are bought into this world with hate, this will negatively impact the mental health of both the child and his/her parents. And will eventually lead to a vicious cycle of hatred.
The stigma around abortions leads many people to bringing children into this world with hate. While many others try to get an abortion from unsafe places. In fact, nearly 60% of the abortions carried out in India are conducted without proper guidance. Abortions carried out in unsafe conditions are extremely dangerous to the health of the woman undergoing the procedure. As young people let’s spread awareness that motherhood is a choice and not a liability.
Thanks for Reading!
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