, pub-2645618124656227, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Charu Veluthoor: US waiver to India on Chabahar port and oil imports

Saturday, 10 November 2018

US waiver to India on Chabahar port and oil imports

The United States of America announces a waiver for India on Chabahar port and oil imports. This includes the initial investment by India at Chabahar port and a railway line from Afganistan to Chabahar. US announced that these waivers were in promise of further reducing the amounts of oil imports gradually. Countries like India had put forward arguments that they couldn't cut all oil imports from Iran , especially because Iran offers the best rates among the OPEC countries. Also, rapid cut downs could effect the Indian economy drastically.
However the waiver unlikely to reduce the tensions prevailing in the Indian economy regarding the import of oil. Also the waiver is temporary meaning it will last only for a short period of six months. This will help the Modi government slide smoothly over the elections.

Another question which prevails is are the waivers an indicator of healthy talks between US and Iran? What do you think? Will US come in terms with US?

The only country which has almost completely reduced oil imports from Iran are US allies like Japan and South Korea. Most countries received waivers in return for their partial cuts on imports.

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