, pub-2645618124656227, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Charu Veluthoor: February 2020

Wednesday, 5 February 2020

My First Protest Experience!

Last month we witnessed students and responsible citizens mobilizing on a national level to fight against CAA and NRC. Amongst the thousands of students who took to the streets, I also attended a protest. In fact, this was one of my first ever protest experiences. I participated in the anti-CAA protest conducted in Calicut, Kerala on the 19th of December, 2019. I don’t know if my experience was unique or if this is just how protests work in Kerala. Anyway, here’s how it went.

As soon as the rally started, so did the slogan chanting. The first slogan was “HELLO MISTER AMIT SHAH”. Initially, a leader shouted it out and it was later repeated by the procession following her. I anticipated some witty and harsh slogan to follow the initial greeting. However, surprisingly, it was followed up by “HELLO MISTER MODI”.
By then, I got pretty confused with what was going on. Did I accidentally end up in a pro-CAA protest?
Confirmed with a few people standing next to me, if I’m at the right place. Indeed, I was. The same set of Slogans were repeated for about 20-25 minutes before somebody pointed out to the woman yelling the slogans that she has just been greeting the Prime minister and his best friend who passed the bill.
Now, I know you all are thinking that they must have started yelling anti-CAA slogans after this. Oops! You are nowhere close. The next slogan they started yelling was “ISLAMOPHOBIA”. For a second, I went blank. A bunch of anti-CAA protestors shouting “ISLAMOPHOBIA”? Weird! Why do they want Islamophobia?
Later, I got home and realized that they meant to probably say “STOP ISLAMOPHOBIA”. However, my first protest experience left me extremely confused.

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