, pub-2645618124656227, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Charu Veluthoor: April 2019

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

India's Secular Fabric is under serious threat!!

India is the birth place of four major world religions: Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. Yet, India is one of the most diverse nation in terms of religion. Many scholars and intellectuals believe that India's predominant religion, Hinduism has long been a most tolerant religion. However, Today our country is witness a major threat to our secular fabric. Political parties are making use of Hindu sentiments for their political gains. Today, Some of India’s major political parties are openly criticise people based on the religion they follow. Majoritarian Hindu youth who have become frustrated of missing out on opportunities in education and jobs have now found this party which is an open critic of other religious sentiments as a solution to their frustration.
Day after day, people are becoming more and more intolerant of other people’s believes and practices. The minorities are now feeling threatened. Political parties have already brainwashed us. It’s time that we realise what has happened. 

Protect our constitution, Protect India’s Secular Fabric!!
This election season, vote wisely.

#Indian Elections 
#Save Our Democracy

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